Product Overview

Inaccurate medical coding can cost organizations money, time, and credibility. Introducing Pena4’s Central Learning (CL 1.0), the cutting-edge web-based tool elevating coding proficiency, empowering confident and compliant claims submission, and minimizing revenue risks. Beyond simple assessments, CL 1.0 is a comprehensive medical coding, learning, and development platform designed for medical coders at all levels.

By utilizing the redacted real-life Medical Records, Code Rationales, and Answer Keys, this tool is customized for comprehensive coding skill enhancement.

The Code Rationale is a significant educational resource explaining the reasoning behind code selection in the answer key. It efficiently and meticulously directs coders to specific sections of a coding clinic or a medical record, facilitating an in-depth understanding. Moreover, CL’s managerial suite offers access to various report and data assessment tools. These tools automatically identify accuracy, strengths, weaknesses, productivity, and more to empower organizations to mitigate revenue risks seamlessly.


Key Features

  • The application offers real-world medical records, coding scenarios, and in-depth accuracy assessment to hone the coder’s medical coding skills.
  • It makes coding managers up to 40% more efficient by automatically grading and scoring coder skills in ICD-10 and CPT.
  • Coders can review medical records and assign appropriate codes easily. The application grades the accuracy of the assigned codes, providing instant feedback to the coders.
  • Faster coding analytics for better revenue management.
  • Excess Code entry detection & reporting feature to combat inaccurate billing thereby impacting returns.
  • Central Learning provides comprehensive coding data analytics, empowering organizations with insights for process improvement and effective skill gap bridging.
  • Allows hospitals to pinpoint corrective action and stops crippling reimbursement delays by exposing hidden coding denial dangers.
  • Coding Accuracy data analytics are grouped by various parameters such as patient types, code category, diagnosis category, etc.
  • Coding Competitions: To test medical coder’s skills and reward them. The application allows IC’s (Independent Consultants) to participate in this event.
  • Test Environment (New Codes) to familiarize medical coders with any changes made to the medical codes every year.

How does it work?

  • Coders are assigned cases by patient type, category, diagnosis, procedure, or difficulty level.
  • Coders open each case in Central Learning & enter codes using an abstract screen.
  • Central Learning scores each case immediately upon completion.
  • Management graphs, tables, and coder skill gap reports are automatically generated to analyze, track, or trend.

Efficiency of Central Learning Software

  • 100% more cost-effective than traditional audit methods.
  • Complete turnkey software implementation in 72 hours .
  • Effortless way to continually improve in ICD-10.
  • The application automatically checks coder work against verified answer keys for immediate feedback by case type, code category, DRG or procedure.
  • Target corrective action: coders, physicians, and CDI.
  • Instant rationale for missed code opportunities.
  • Excess Codes feature to ensure medical coding integrity.
  • Identify specific areas of low productivity and accuracy.
  • Compare & assess coder knowledge through Peer Performance Reports.

Target Audience


It aids hospitals and health systems with practical tech solutions supporting coding, revenue cycle management, and audits, founded on expertise and comprehensive services.


The application offers real world medical records, coding scenarios, and in-depth accuracy assessment to hone the coder’s medical coding skills.

Medical Coding Clients

It is practical business technology that works for any coding, revenue cycle, or auditing business.

Options to Assess Coders Proficiency in ICD-10

Manual Process

Traditional Coding Audit

  • Need to identify or contract auditing staff/team
  • Manual selection of records to audit
  • Manual review by auditing staff
  • Each coder codes a distinct medical record; disparate assessment & comparisons
  • Subjective determination of reasons for errors based on the individual auditor
  • Manual compilation of findings with no tracking or trending
  • Limited data analysis with No drill down capabilities
  • Long process, two to three week process
  • One single audit project with one snapshot of coder quality
  • No productivity assessment
  • Very costly whether the Audit is performed by in-house staff or contracted services

Central Learning Accurate Process

Automatic Coding Audit Plus Assessment

  • Minimal auditors required
  • Automatic assignment of cases based on filters
  • Automatic scoring of accuracy
  • All coders code the same medical record case equal assessment & comparison
  • Answer Key created by a forum of Coders
  • Automatic categorization of reasons for error, and Automatic compilation, tracking & trending of errors
  • Full data analysis with drill down to the specific codes
  • Immediate findings as each case is coded
  • Endless audits that continuously assess coders
  • Includes productivity assessment
  • Very less costly than traditional audit methods & without the expense of auditors

Our Offerings

Health Information Management

Revenue Cycle Management

Medical Coding Audits & Assessments


Medical Billing

Virtual Assistant


H.I.M. & Revenue Cycle Consulting

Medical Coding

Continuing Education

H.I.M. & Revenue Cycle Staffing

C.D.I. Services

C.D.M. Audits & Maintenance

Central Learning (CL 1.0)

Sales Central - ROI Calculator

Guru Auditor

Implement an Efficient Web-based ICD-10 for Your Coding and Revenue Cycle Services

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