Service Overview

Involve the maintenance and management of master list of charges for all healthcare services provided by your facility with a comprehensive Charge Description Master by Pena4.

The comprehensive list of charges for each procedure, services, medication provision, and supply for healthcare organizations contains a standardized bill provided to patients or to the insurance companies. Our CDM services are a crucial aspect for billing and revenue cycle management processes in healthcare organizations. It establishes proper facilitation of accurate billing, consistent pricing, and ensures complete compliance with regulatory requirements.

Incorporate the expertise of our CDM specialists, ensuring accurate charges, compliance with regulatory requirements, and stay up to date.


Our exclusive CDM services enables:

  • Charge Capture We ensure documenting and capturing of all billable services offered to patients for accurate reimbursement and billing for delivering healthcare services.
  • Pricing and Rate Updates We offer regular updates and reviews of pricing structures and rates for aligning healthcare services to market standards and financial goals.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Review Conduct reviews and ensure adherence with healthcare regulations for mitigating risks and maintain proper compliance with our expertise.
  • Revenue Optimization CDM Audits and Reviews Perform audits conducted with our Charge Description Master (CDM) services for optimizing and reviewing revenue streams and billing accuracy.
  • Collaboration and Education We foster partnership with healthcare teams to offer continuous education and elevate awareness for compliance and improve billing accuracy.
  • Workflow Integration We integrate charge capture processes seamlessly into holistic healthcare workflow, ensuring a cohesive approach, reducing errors, improving communication streamlining revenue cycle management systems.

Introduce Pena4’s effective CDM management to optimize revenue, streamline billing processes, and maintain compliance. Ensure up to date charge descriptions, improve organizational revenue integrity and minimize finance risks associated with non-compliant billing practices with our expert guidance.

Our Offerings

Health Information Management

Revenue Cycle Management

Medical Coding Audits & Assessments


Medical Billing

Virtual Assistant


H.I.M. & Revenue Cycle Consulting

Medical Coding

Continuing Education

H.I.M. & Revenue Cycle Staffing

C.D.I. Services

C.D.M. Audits & Maintenance

Central Learning (CL 1.0)

Sales Central - ROI Calculator

Guru Auditor

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