Balancing Automation and Expertise: The Role of Human Oversight in AI-Driven Medical Coding

Published On: Mar 21, 2024

The integration of artificial intelligence in various healthcare sectors has skyrocketed in recent years. Medical coding, a critical aspect of healthcare revenue, is no exception. In the realm of medical coding, where accuracy and compliance are paramount, the allure of AI is undeniable. Pena4, a leading specialist in overseas medical coding, acknowledges the attraction of AI in streamlining medical coding processes. However, it's essential to delve into the potential risks associated with solely relying on AI for medical coding.

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2024 Calendar of Events:
Tech Edge With Human Expertise

Published On: Feb 20, 2024

Although the majority of Pena4 business is done virtually, we look forward to trade shows and the personal connection we get at these in-person events throughout the year!
In 2024, we are thrilled to be ramping up our trade show presence. We’re excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at THIRTEEN industry events this year (and attending fourteen!).

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Pena4's Commitment to Community:
A Tradition of Giving Back

Published On: Dec 4, 2023

At Pena4, giving back isn't just an annual event — it's an intrinsic part of the corporate culture.

Over the last several years, the company has consistently demonstrated its commitment to social responsibility by actively participating in volunteer initiatives and supporting various charitable organizations across every location. The New Jersey location has partnered with Home Front Group to fill up cars for those in need. Additionally, the India location partners with HUManity Group as part of a CSR and financially donates to Akshaya Patra Foundation to provide family care kits.

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Artificial Intelligence for Medical Coding:
Challenges & Considerations

Published On: Nov 29, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant inroads into various industries, including healthcare and medical coding. With the promise of improved efficiency, accuracy, and reduced costs, AI has been hailed as a game-changer in these sectors — but does it actually live up to its healthcare hype?

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Pena4 President and COO Joe Gurrieri
Gives Take on Hiring in 2023

Published On: Dec 4, 2023

At Pena4, giving back isn't just an annual event — it's an intrinsic part of the corporate culture.

Over the last several years, the company has consistently demonstrated its commitment to social responsibility by actively participating in volunteer initiatives and supporting various charitable organizations across every location. The New Jersey location has partnered with Home Front Group to fill up cars for those in need. Additionally, the India location partners with HUManity Group as part of a CSR and financially donates to Akshaya Patra Foundation to provide family care kits.

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Medical Coding Shortage:
The Case for Overseas Resources

Published On: Jan 16, 2023

Companies across every vertical are feeling challenged. The current economic climate means rising inflation rates, a constant threat of recession, and a lack of available resources–and even larger corporations are feeling the pressure.

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How to Beat the Medical Coder Shortage

Published On: Jan 9, 2023

Recent years have brought rampant upheaval throughout the entire U.S. healthcare system–and especially in the medical coding industry. A recent statistic from the American Hospital Association showed that 18% of billing and coding positions remain unfilled due to a lack of qualified candidates.

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Navigating the US Medical Coder Shortage

Published On: Dec 14, 2022

The medical coder workforce shortage problem in healthcare has only worsened over the past few years. The industry has long been plagued with the increased complexity of medical documentation and regulations. COVID, the Great Resignation, a shaky job economy, and a pending recession haven’t helped.

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Hiring a Virtual Assistant: When Should You Do It?

Published On: Jun 22, 2022

Running a business will require you to wear a lot of hats, but the secret to your company's success is delegating tasks to specialized experts. When you find yourself juggling too many tasks in a day, it might be smart to finally hire a virtual assistant to help you.

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Everything You Need to Know About Hiring a Virtual Project Manager

Published On: May 31, 2022

If you run a small business, you know all too well the challenge of balancing numerous tasks at once. Your attention is constantly split between tasks of importance. These could be anything from team building to vendor coordination.

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Everything You Need to Know About Hiring a Virtual Project Manager

Virtual Assistants vs. Virtual Project Managers: Know the Difference

Published On: May 23, 2022

VAs and VPMs are very similar, but understanding the differences is important for helping you choose the best virtual staffing for growing your business. In this article we uncover when to choose one over the other or both, for your business!

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The Top Reasons to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Published On: May 13, 2022

A virtual assistant is someone that is hired to handle a variety of duties for a business owner. The VA can take on many responsibilities and can be utilized in a variety of aspects in the business.

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The Benefits of Using Virtual Staffing to Battle Healthcare Staffing Shortages

Published On: Mar 21, 2022

The U.S. is currently experiencing widespread staffing shortages across almost every industry. According to recent reports, more than 4 million Americans quit their jobs in the first part of 2021, and in September 2021, more than 4.4 million quit during one month alone. Often referred to as “The Great Resignation,” the dwindling candidate talent pool has even impacted healthcare, with nursing homes, home health agencies, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and clinics across the country feeling the effects.

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Pena4 Provides Mentoring and Meaningful Employment for Neurodiverse Workforce in Medical Coding: Part 2

Published On: Jan 24, 2022

In the summer of 2021, Pena4 published an article outlining their partnership with Rockland Jewish Family Service to provide medical coding testing for neurodiverse students within their community.

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Virtual Assistant Services: Finding the Right VA Fit

Published On: Oct 4, 2021

The global pandemic has changed the way we work forever. Over the last 18+ months, more businesses than ever have embraced a remote workforce to help support their operations in a constantly changing (and often turbulent) worldwide economy. As these companies continue to redefine exactly what business as usual looks like, many executives are leveraging the power of virtual assistant services to support their operations.

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Pena4 Provides Mentoring and Meaningful Employment for Neurodiverse Workforce in Medical Coding: Part 1

Published On: Jul 6, 2021

Pena4 recently partnered with Rockland Jewish Family Service to support newly trained medical coding professionals. Rockland Jewish Family Service (RJFS) is a New York organization dedicated to providing compassionate, professional human services, support, resources, and philanthropic initiatives throughout the surrounding community. Prior to COVID-19, RJFS partnered with New York State and local Hudson Valley employment resources to organize medical coding training for 11 neurodiverse community members to help them find meaningful, long-term employment opportunities.

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How Virtual IT Teams Help Businesses Build, Grow, and Scale

Published On: Mar 23, 2021

The last year has prompted businesses of every size and across virtually every industry to adopt an agile work and hiring model to keep their operations healthy during COVID-19 uncertainty. Almost overnight, even the most robust organizations had to take extreme measures to cut costs as they reduced total staff and transitioned remaining employees to a remote work environment.

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Benefits of Virtual Staffing: How This Workforce Strategy Can Support and Protect Your Business Interests

Published On: Feb 26, 2021

Savvy business owners recognize the importance of keeping expenses to a minimum, no matter what the economy. However, 2020 brought with it a heightened sense of urgency for companies of every size, and across every industry, to cut costs. Suddenly, executives needed to find new ways to reduce expenses without sacrificing productivity and service quality. As a result, organizations looking to lower expenditures, increase profit margins, and drive service excellence have implemented virtual staffing solutions as a proven workforce strategy.

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H.I.M. Leaders Improve Revenue Cycle Management With Outsourced Medical Coding Services

Published On: Jan 21, 2021

Proper medical coding is vital to a healthcare system’s revenue cycle. Unfortunately, constantly evolving regulatory and compliance requirements, coupled with internal staffing shortages, can quickly derail medical coding workflow in any medical organization. It only takes a few operational hiccups to impede the entire billing process from both a patient and payment perspective. Improper coding can even result in noncompliance penalties and fines.

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